Engineer Your
Healthiest and
Happiest Lives,

Helping highly motivated couples optimize their relationship and health by cutting through the muck and sharing what the research says works.


Engineers, coaches, authors, and a husband-wife duo.

We take out the guesswork and follow the science to improve the lives of couples. Why? You’re 3X more likely to stick to health goals if you do it with your partner, and your partner’s habits strongly influence yours.

Our goal is to share the research on how couples can better their fitness, nutrition, and relationship together. We’ve guided thousands of couples to create a life where health is simply a natural by-product of doing what they love, through simple, step-by-step programs.


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Weight Loss

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Date Night

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Optimize Your Life, One Friday at a Time

Enter your name and email address to sign up for our free newsletter, the Duo Life Letter. Each Friday receive evidence-based tips to elevate your health and relationship.


3 Day Fast Ryan and Alex Duo Life

How (and Why) to Do a 3-Day Water Fast

Board Games for Couples Ryan and Alex Duo Life

The Best (Award-Winning) Board Games for Couples

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30-Day Weight Loss Challenge By 5 Numbers

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23 Easy, Medium, and Hard Couples Yoga Poses

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Best Movies for Couples That Halve Divorce Risk

Board Games for Couples Ryan and Alex Duo Life

30-Day Ab Challenge For A Stronger Core (PDF)

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How to Recover From Burnout the Natural Way

Shakeology Alternatives Ryan and Alex Duo Life

Best Health Shakes According to the Data


30-Day Self-Care Challenge

30-Day Self-Care Challenge Based On Science (PDF)

Benefits of working out with your spouse ryan and alex duo life

The Benefits of Working Out With Your Spouse

Best Apps for Married Couples

Best Apps for Couples That Aren’t Lame

Fitness Tracking Body Measurement Chart_Ryan and Alex Duo Life

How to Give Your Partner a Good Massage

How to train for a marathon in 3 months

3-Month Marathon Training Plan and Tips (PDF)

Caffeine Withdrawal Timeline Ryan and Alex Duo Life

Our Caffeine Withdrawal Experiment (Hour by Hour)

Zero Calorie Foods Ryan and Alex Duo Life

Top Zero Calorie Foods for Weight Loss

Walking to Lose Weight Chart Ryan and Alex Duo Life

Walking to Lose Weight 8-Week Plan (PDF Calendar)

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