Couples yoga is an immensely beneficial activity for your body and relationship. However, couples yoga routines are far less accessible than individual yoga sequences.
To help couples begin their yoga practice together, we partnered with a professional to create a yoga video that focuses on flow and stretching exercises for couples.
So, let us introduce you to the Couples Yoga Flow Routine, your next at-home, online partner yoga session!
Couples Yoga Flow Routine
To bring you this couples yoga workout we partnered with a highly talented, certified yoga instructor who is also my sister, Anna.
She has been a yogi since 2013, trains yogis at an ashram in India, and lead a professional sports team in online yoga during COVID-19. On top of that, she is a professional gymnastics choreographer.
Alex and I always love taking her classes because they consistently challenge our balance, flexibility, strength, and lungs, all in the same workout. As an ex-collegiate athlete, Anna appreciates yoga as a tool to increase performance and reduce injury risk.
This couples yoga routine is for beginners, and it will challenge your whole body. So, while holistically improving your yoga practice and spending quality time with your significant other, you’ll also break a sweat.
Expect to have fun with your partner. There will be high-fives, kisses, and lots of eye contact. We’ll share what else you can expect from the Couples Yoga Flow Routine in the rest of this post.
What to expect in this couples yoga class
Alex and I were inspired to create this couples yoga video because couples worldwide are self-isolating due to the coronavirus pandemic. And, if there was ever a time to de-stress with yoga, that time is now.
Many are looking to incorporate more couples yoga into their day because our Google search traffic has doubled for articles like our ‘23 Couples Yoga Poses,’ and our Couples Yoga Challenge sign up page since the start of the pandemic.
We hope that you enjoy our online couples yoga class. We certainly did. For the first time in weeks, Alex and I felt grounded and relaxed. It didn’t fix everything but we felt more like ourselves again. So, here is what you can expect.
1. Couples Yoga At Home
So, firstly, this Couples Yoga Flow Routine is the perfect at-home workout. All you need is an internet connection (seems like you’re good there), significant other, 24-minutes, and your couples yoga mats.
2. Partner Yoga Flow Sequence
Second, the word “flow” in regards to partner yoga is unique. Too often couples yoga consists only of you and your partner stretching in a seated pose.
While flexibility is important and you can still get the benefits of partner yoga while sitting on your butt, there is a better way to get all of this and more.
This Couples Yoga Flow Routine will help you develop a well-rounded yoga practice with your partner, as you advance your practice from beginner to intermediate to advanced.
3. Includes Professional Instruction
This couples yoga flow is created and led by Anna Gleason, a certified yoga instructor. The not-so-pro yogis in the video are Ryan and Alex (that’s us).
To follow this partner yoga sequence, put the video on full screen, turn up the volume, and enjoy being guided through an online couples yoga class.
While it’s great to get ideas on fun and photo-worthy couples yoga poses on the internet and Pinterest, sometimes we need more than just ideas. In this partner yoga video, you have full guidance and instruction.
Thanks for leading us through this fun and effective Couples Yoga Flow Routine, Anna! Follow Anna’s journey and her virtual workouts on Instagram, @annatgleason.
4. For Beginner To Intermediate Yogi Couples
While we have created numerous couples yoga resources on our website, we are complete amateurs. We love that yoga is always a real challenge for us.
Since we know that nearly every couple has a fitness imbalance, something we discuss in our guide to working out as a couple, we wanted to keep this yoga sequence easy, accessible, and realistic.
If you, your partner, or both of you are complete beginners, this couples yoga workout is a perfect way to kickstart your yoga practice.
If you’re intermediate and have been practicing yoga for years (like us), you’ll still feel the benefits of this flow sequence and be challenged. I mean, does touching your toes ever get easy?
If you love this couples yoga flow, let us know in the comments and please share on social media. Let us know how this helps and what you want to see. We can create more routines to help you advance in the future.
For us, this was the hardest move.
We Present: The Couples Yoga Flow Routine
Alright, that’s enough talk, it’s time to give the Couples Yoga Flow Routine a go.
Schedule in 24 minutes of yoga with your partner three days a week following this routine. Have a discussion with your partner after each workout and discuss areas that you felt improved.
You’ll be surprised how quickly your balance, flexibility, and strength will improve (those chatarangas are tough!)
If you have any questions, comments, or feedback regarding the routine, please post them in the comments section at the bottom of this article or on YouTube.
Need more at-home couples yoga classes?
When we filmed the Couple’s Yoga Flow Routine less than a year ago, we didn’t really how it would be received.
Now that couples have spent over 1,000 hours viewing our one partner yoga video, we knew this was exactly what couples were looking for. And it doesn’t exist anywhere else.
So, we partnered with Anna again to create 5 new innovative and challenging partner yoga routines.
They are hands-down the most effective way to strengthen your mind, body and relationship, together.
We hope to see you in our Couples Yoga Studio!
If you want a personalized couples yoga experience, we highly recommend reaching out to Anna to schedule a live video session. She creates a customized routine tailored to your needs and provides expert instruction on proper form.
6-Week Couples Yoga Program
You'll get lifetime access to our five unique and creatively challenging classes. Plus, access to future classes and support.
Included are two 6-week calendars for both beginners and intermediates.
Invest in partner yoga as a lifelong hobby that amplifies your body, soul, and relationship.
Get started today, no matter what level.
Buy Couples Yoga Program
More Tools for Aspiring Yoga Couples
Here are three more online resources that will help you and your partner.
1. Couples Workout Routine
This is another workout that we created to help couples work out together at home. It’s a total body HIIT couples workout and the cardio and strength training benefits will spill over into your yoga practice.
2. Sign Up For The Couples Yoga Challenge
Sign up for our free 14-Day Couples Yoga Challenge below. You and your partner will receive:
- A challenge calendar
- Access to streamed yoga workouts through Beachbody On Demand
- Couples yoga poses to practice
- Immediate access to new Couples Yoga Flow Routines as we continue to create them.
Curious about what changes you might see and feel after doing yoga with your partner for 2-weeks? We ran an experiment, and for someone who previously hated yoga, this is what she learned.
14-Day Couples Yoga Challenge
This challenge aims to reconnect you to your health and help you appreciate your body. Practicing yoga as a couple is an opportunity to connect and be present in a way apart from your normal, busy lives.
The customized yoga workout calendar was curated by us to expose couples to a variety of yoga styles and instructors as well as practicing yoga from home.
Or, download and start for free.
I have questions. What do I do?
Ask away in the comments below, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible and better address your question in this article accordingly.
Thanks for reading, and thanks in advance for your comment!
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6-Week Couples Yoga Program
You'll get lifetime access to our five unique and creatively challenging classes. Plus, access to future classes and support.
Included are two 6-week calendars for both beginners and intermediates.
Invest in partner yoga as a lifelong hobby that amplifies your body, soul, and relationship.
Get started today, no matter what level.
Buy Couples Yoga Program
Hey we're Ryan and Alex
A husband-wife duo, two engineers, and the creators of Ryan and Alex Duo Life.
After eight years working in the corporate world as engineers, we left to tackle our true passion:
Helping highly motivated couples optimize their relationship and health by cutting through the muck and sharing what the research says works.
Optimize Your Life, One Friday at a Time
Each Friday receive evidence-based tips to elevate your health and relationship.
Thank you so much for the Couple’s Yoga Flow Routine. We just tried it and loved it. This will become part of our regular practice. Namaste.
You’re welcome, Lynn! We enjoyed creating it and expect to share more videos soon. Namaste.