This 12-Week Dumbbell Workout Plan (PDF with pictures) includes the 49 most effective, total body strength training exercises. Grab some dumbbells and let’s work your legs, back, core, triceps, shoulders, chest, and biceps.
You don’t need tons of equipment or a gym membership to work out effectively and strategically. What’s more, this dumbbell workout routine is ideal for beginners to advanced athletes.
There are loads of dumbbell strength training exercises on the web, but to get the best results, you need a structured plan. So, with our plan you get videos, instructions, a printable workout calendar, and a cheatsheet with pictures of each exercise.
You’re about to learn how to use dumbbells like a pro. Just results, no aches and pains.
Our workout programs have been downloaded by over 20,000 people and this 12-Dumbbell Workout Plan is our most comprehensive yet. In this post, we’ll share the free Dumbbell Workout Plan PDF and the proven plan to get results.
So, we hope you’re pumped up. If not, you will be soon!

12-Week Dumbbell Workout Plan PDF and exercise Guide
We advocate for workouts that require minimum equipment. Given our lifestyle, having freedom from a gym or heavy machines is the only thing that keeps us consistent.
From coaching thousands of fitness clients, we also know that if fail to plan, you might as well plan to fail.
Well, here’s your plan. In this article, we’ll demonstrate and instruct how to do the 49 best total body dumbbell exercises — upper body, lower body, and core.
By committing to this plan, you’re following a proven system. You get a 12-week workout calendar with built-in variety and periodization weekly, a printable weight tracking sheet to ensure progress, pictures of each exercise so you can lift with confidence, and more.
Congrats, and we’re excited to hear about your results!
If you’re short on time and just want to download the printable gym workout plan for beginners PDF with pictures, here you go!
Otherwise, for details on the training program and tips on how to best utilize this tool, keep reading.

Download The 12-Week Dumbbell Workout Plan PDF
Download and instantly access the 12-week dumbbell workout plan for beginners, resistance tracker sheet, and pictures.
- A 12-week calendar with built-in variety and periodization
- Videos of 49 full-body dumbbell exercises
- Professional instruction to ensure proper form
- We're an email away for support
Why Full Body Dumbbell Exercises
We use these dumbbell exercises to supplement an optimized workout plan that includes cardio, flexibility, and bodyweight strength training.
For a combined 20+ years, Alex and I have been gaining or maintaining muscle mass through dumbbell workout programs on BODi. We trust these workout plans since they are structured and designed by world-renowned trainers and sports scientists.
Over the years we’ve curated the most effective dumbbell exercises from those programs along with work from personal trainers. Here, we include full-body strength training, high-intensity cardio, and increased flexibility/range of motion. The most effective and unique dumbbell exercises (like the ones in this article) typically combine all three elements at the same time.
If you’re training to competitively lift small cars, this program is not for you. But if you want to go out and ski, hike, run, chase your kids, and play softball at a higher level without getting injured, this is an excellent program.
We recommend pairing the 12-Week Dumbbell Workout Plan with cardio, such as walking, hiking, or running. For more ideas, check out our free workouts and programs on our Fitness page.s
What’s Included With The Dumbbell Workout Plan
Again, if you don’t have a plan, plan to fail. Right? With everything online, it’s easy to DIY your workouts, but is that effective?
Based on our combined 25+ years of experience helping thousands of people through fitness programs, that’s a hard NO. You need a structured plan to follow. So, here is what you get with this resistance band workout plan.
A Free Printable 12-Week Dumbbell Workout Plan PDF
Again, having a plan is critical if you want to get results. And not just a basic daily plan to repeat over and over until your mind and muscles fall into a deep state of boredom.
In any quality workout plan, variety and periodization are the make-it-or-break-it components. Without variety, boredom, plateau, and injury are inevitable. And, without periodization (a fancy word for increasing difficulty over time), the progress is unsatisfactory.
Also, to consistently challenge your muscles, you need to write down the weights that you are lifting. Then, next time, matching or increasing that weight ensures progress.
1. Dumbbell workout calendar
The printable PDF calendar shows you what exercise to do, when to do it, and for how long. Using this will push you out of your comfort zone and toward serious progress.
The schedule includes workouts three days a week for 12 weeks. Every 2 weeks, the workouts become longer and more difficult. Individual workouts range from 15 minutes to 30 minutes, depending on your pace.
And yes, working out 3 days a week is enough. It’s not about quantity it’s about the volume and intensity of the workouts.
2. Repetition and resistance level tracker sheet
Included in the resistance band workouts PDF is space to record your weights on your printed tracker sheet. Then, in the following weeks, you can make sure you are making progress and continually challenging yourself.
3. Pictures of every Dumbbell exercise
Included with the training program is an exercise chart with pictures of every exercise. Organized by muscle group, this exercise cheat sheet makes this program easy to follow. Good luck finding another free program that offers all of this!
4. Results tracking body measurement chart
How will you know that these workouts are working if you don’t track your progress? Included with the program is our Body Measurement Chart and instructions on how and where to measure.
5. Support and future revisions
When you download our program, you’ll have instant access to the calendar and weight tracking sheet. We will get in touch with you shortly after you sign up, and we will always be available for support.
Below is a snapshot of everything that’s included in this comprehensive plan.

Video (GIF), Photo, and Written Instruction for 49 Dumbbell Moves
All of the exercises in this article use light, medium, and heavy dumbbells. You’ll need a minimum of three sets.
Each exercise requires a proper form to prevent injury and maximize results. Therefore, please review the written and video instructions for each exercise thoroughly.
Lastly, these dumbbell exercises are beginner-level through advanced. Each exercise can be modified or intensified.
1. Upper Body Resistance Band Exercises
Resistance band exercises are incredible for increasing upper body strength. Exercises in this routine target your biceps, triceps, shoulders, upper back muscles, and chest muscles.
2. Resistance Band Core Exercises
Ab exercises with resistance bands are useful because they provide resistance during cross-body rotational movements. These core exercises, lower back included, will provide stability, protect your spine, and prevent injury.
Many people pair our this program with our 30-Day Ab Challenge.
3. Lower Body Resistance Band Exercises
The lower body resistance band moves included in the resistance bands exercise program target the glutes, quads, hamstrings, adductors and abductors, and calves.
Dumbbell Workout Plan Disclaimer:
We are engineers by trade and, although we’re highly knowledgeable about fitness, we are not certified personal trainers.
Therefore, these dumbbell exercises and the downloadable plan have been reviewed by multiple fitness professionals with a combined 45 years of experience as certified personal trainers.
With their help, our written instruction ensures proper form. Proceed at your own risk! If you have injuries or other concerns, discuss them with your physician before attempting these exercises.

Download The 12-Week Dumbbell Workout Plan PDF
Download and instantly access the 12-week dumbbell workout plan for beginners, resistance tracker sheet, and pictures.
- A 12-week calendar with built-in variety and periodization
- Videos of 49 full-body dumbbell exercises
- Professional instruction to ensure proper form
- We're an email away for support
Our Best Tips to Get Results With Dumbbell Resistance Training
It takes time to develop muscle awareness and proper technique. You might need to complete two or even three rounds before you feel like an expert.
Below are some key points to help you maximize your results during the 12-Week Dumbbell Workout Plan.
1. Have light, medium, and heavy dumbbells for a range of resistance
You would not use the same weights for biceps as you would for squats. Every weight should feel hard, even at the beginning.
Make sure you have access to the right dumbbells. If the dumbbells are too heavy, many of the exercises will be too hard to do with proper form. And if they are too light, the workouts won’t be challenging enough.
If you’re feeling fatigued after each set and experience muscle soreness the following day, you should be great!
2. Be patient
If this is your first time using dumbbells you must be patient. It takes time to learn how to lift weights to achieve muscle failure for each muscle group. Give yourself at least a month to learn how to use them effectively.
4. Slow down and fight the resistance
The more slow and in control you are, the stronger your muscles become. By doing the dumbbell exercises slowly, you will consistently achieve muscle failure.
5. Transition quickly
When you eliminate breaks and move from one exercise to the next, these dumbbell exercises second as a cardio workout routine. We know this is the case because we track our workouts and consistently hit a bpm of 140-150.
No chitchat, checking your phone, or looking in the mirror between moves. Stay focused.
6. Safety
Muscle soreness and fatigue is good. Joint or muscle pain is bad. Make sure you are not experiencing pain. For example, if your elbow hurts during bicep curls, you need to stop. If you don’t the malfunction will only become worse.
7. Follow the plan to a “T”
For best results, follow the plan to a “T.” All you have to do is show up and get started.
Make sure you warm up before each workout and print out the Resistance Bands Workout Plan PDF calendar so that you can record your resistance level and cross off finished workouts. This will help you stay accountable during the 8-week program.
the 49 best Dumbbell exercises
Below are all 49 total body dumbbell exercises. We’ve put in the leg work and done the research. These are the best, most effective resistance band exercises for upper body, lower body, and core.
To best utilize these amazing exercises, gain access to the 12-Week Dumbbell Workout Plan which includes the printable 12-week workout calendar (PDF) and a weight/resistance tracking sheet to ensure consistent progress.

Download The 12-Week Dumbbell Workout Plan PDF
Download and instantly access the 12-week dumbbell workout plan for beginners, resistance tracker sheet, and pictures.
- A 12-week calendar with built-in variety and periodization
- Videos of 49 full-body dumbbell exercises
- Professional instruction to ensure proper form
- We're an email away for support
Lower Body Dumbbell Exercises
To properly strengthen leg muscles with dumbbells, you must have heavy dumbbells. Otherwise, you won’t be able to achieve muscle failure. You might be able to start with 15s. However, by the end of the 12-week dumbbell workout program you’ll be reaching for 30s.
Below are the best dumbbell leg exercises to strengthen your hamstrings, quads, glutes, and hips.
Using dumbbells for squats is highly effective as leg exercises, activating both your leg and butt muscles.
Place your feet square, shoulder-distance apart. Put your weight in your heels, don’t let the weights pull you forward, and keep your knees behind your toes. Only go as low as you can without arching your lower back.
NEVER round your lower back.

Sumo squats
Sumo squats with dumbbells are similar to squats but with your feet angled outward at 45° and broader than shoulder distance apart. Put your weight in heels and follow the same rules as squats.

These static lunges are another fundamental lower body exercise targeting your quads, hamstrings, and glutes. Lunges with dumbbells are my favorite because they point out strength imbalances in your legs.
Move slowly to maintain control, balance, and form. Engage your core and keep your upper body directly over your hips.
The front knee stays behind your toe, and keep your weight in your heels. Aim for a 90° bend in the front and back knee. Also, make sure your knees stay in line with your ankle and resist them from tracking in or out.
Lower straight down, stopping right before your knee touches the ground, and then straight up. Once you have finished, switch sides.

Side lunges
This exercise targets your abductors, which are stability muscles. You should feel the burn in your inner thigh close to your groin. Just like you did with lunges, move slowly to maintain balance and form.
Keep your hips back, weight in your heels, and if it feels more natural, you can point your toes slightly out.
As you lower down to the side, only go as low as you can without arching your lower back. Once you have finished, switch sides.

Calf raisers
With your feet shoulder-distance apart, toes pointing forward, and weight at your sides, push down through the balls of your feet to lift your heels as high as you can. Pause for a second and then slowly lower them. Between reps, your heels should hover off the ground and not touch.

Pigeon toe calf raisers
Start with your toes shoulder-distance apart and pointing outward at a 45° angle. Just like you did with calf raisers, keep the weight at your sides while pushing down through the balls of your feet to lift your heels.

Duck feet calf raisers
For this dumbbell calf variation, start with your heels shoulder-distance apart and your toes pointing inward at a 45° angle.

Hip flexor front kicks
For this dumbbell leg exercise, prepare to strengthen your hip flexors, a muscle that gets very weak if you sit all day.
Keep your posture straight and engage your core. Then lift one knee so that your thigh is parallel with the ground. Once you’ve found your balance, place the dumbbell on your thigh and slowly kick your leg out with pointed toes.
Continue to focus on balance and engage your hip flexors to maintain knee height. These muscles are often forgotten, so don’t be surprised if this is difficult.

Bridge lifts
Start in bridge pose with the dumbbell resting on your hips. Then, while keeping your hips square to the ground, lift one leg skyward. With your weight in your heel, lift and lower your hips while keeping your core engaged and back straight.
You should feel a burn in your glute and hamstring of the grounded leg. Once you finish, switch sides.

Jump squats
During jumping squats, you must only sink as low as your flexibility allows. DO NOT arch your back. Start with your feet shoulder-distance apart.
Next, squat down and explode up into the air while keeping the weights above your shoulders. Focus on maintaining tight core muscles, engaged glutes, and perfect posture (pull your shoulders back) during the entire set.

Jump lunges
From standing, jump into a low lunge on your right side, targeting a 90° bend in both knees. Keep your weight in your heels and it will be easier to go deeper in the lunge while preventing your front knee from jutting out past your toes.
From the bottom of your lunge, jump into a low lunge on your left side. Go slow down and explode up. Keep your core flexed and try not to lean forward. Your torso should be centered between your front and back feet. You can always modify and step instead of jumping.
These are incredibly effective at building lower body strength and stability. Our Dumbbell Workout Plan would have had a void without them. Make sure your knees don’t track outward.

One leg deadlifts
One leg deadlifts are an incredible hamstring and butt exercise with dumbbells, and they’re safer than regular deadlifts.
With weights in both hands, keep your feet shoulder-distance apart with a slight bend in your knees. With your standing leg strong, bend at the hips and lean forward while letting your free leg extend back. Keep your core flexed.
Once your torso and back leg are parallel to the ground, slowly return to standing. After completing your repetitions, switch sides.

Split squats
This is an advanced squat variation to further isolate your quads and challenge your balance. Start with your feet shoulder-distance apart and then put one leg back and up on a chair.
You can put your toes down on the chair or the top of your foot. Whatever feels most comfortable. Only sink as low into the squat as you can. If you’re tight like me, you will feel some tension in the back hip flexor.
Precaution: This is a very challenging move. Start with bodyweight and when you can do 20 with good form, add weight.

Pistol squats
This one leg squat variation isolates the quadriceps and challenges your balance. While standing on one leg, keep your weight in the heel as you lower into a squat. Your free leg should be extended, with your knees together.
As always, only sink as low as your flexibility allows. DO NOT arch your back. Try to squat until your heel touches the ground. Once finished with the set, switch sides.

Core Dumbbell exercises
The core, which includes abs, obliques, and lower back muscles, can significantly benefit from dumbbell exercises.
This is great news for golfers, softball players, and anyone who ever lifts a bag of groceries onto the counter. Remember, our 30-Day Ab Challenge is a great way to bolster your results during the 8-week Resistance Bands Workout Routine plan.
Core rowing twists
In a c-sit position with your feet on the ground, hold one dumbbell with both arms bent at 90°. Then, rotate your torso as you row the dumbbell from side to side.
It should feel like you are rowing a canoe. Start slow and use your core strength to twist in a controlled manner, not momentum from the dumbbell.

Weighted bicycles
In a c-sit position holding one dumbbell under your chin with both hands, bring your opposite elbow to your opposite knee. Feel the burn in your abs and obliques.

Dumbbell lifts
Lay on your back with your feet skyward and as straight as comfortably possible. Hold one dumbbell with straight arms. Engage your upper abs to lift the dumbbell as high as you can. As if you are going to set the dumbbell on your feet.
Raise and lower the dumbbell in a slow and controlled manner.

Plank pass throughs
In high plank, keep your hands directly beneath your shoulders and squeeze your glutes to keep your back flat and butt down. If it gets too tough, drop to your knees or take a quick rest.
Once you’re in plank, spread your weight into your fingertips to decrease the load on your wrists. Then, with one hand, grab the weight on the opposite side and drag it under you.
As the weight passes under you, keep your hips square to the ground and engage your core so you don’t rock side to side. Finally, drag the dumbbell back to the other side.

Side plank hip dips
Lie on your side and prop up your body on one elbow. Keep your elbow directly below your shoulder, with your forearm out in front, perpendicular to your body. Keep your body in a straight line, including your neck.
Next, stack your feet, one on top of the other, staying on the outer edge of your bottom foot. With your body still aligned, crunch your right oblique as you drop your right hip to the floor.
Tip: If holding a side plank is too difficult, drop to your knee with the leg closest to the ground. Keep the top leg straight.

Back extensions
This dumbbell exercise for your lower back is critical to balance out your core strength. Lay down on your stomach and hold a light dumbbell in both hands next to your chest.
Start by squeezing your core, glutes, and quads. Then try to push your toes into the ground while engaging your lower back muscles to lift your chest and the weights off the ground. Pause for one second before slowly lowering.
Hover above the ground for a moment and then start your next rep.

Sit-up reach
While lying on your back, hold one dumbbell above your chest with straight arms. Engage your core and focus on lifting your chest straight up to the ceiling while lifting the weight overhead.

Bicep Dumbbell Exercises
You can get a great arm, shoulder, and back workout with dumbbells. Starting with biceps, here are the best dumbbell arm exercises for biceps, triceps, back, and shoulders.
Bicep wide curls
The 12-Week Dumbbell Workout Plan PDF includes wide, hammer, top, bottom, preacher, and full curls. Your biceps will be torched!
For wide curls, your arms flare out at a 45° angle. Choose either a staggered stance or a square stance and remember to always flex your core.
Keep your upper body and elbows stationary during the exercise. Do not thrust your torso backward. That is cheating. Keep your palms facing up and think of bringing your pinky to your shoulder. Engage your core and keep your spine straight.

Standard curls
Follow the same rules as wide curls, but keep your arms parallel to your body with elbows tucked in.

Top curls
In this dumbbell arm exercise, you’ll further isolate your bicep muscles. Follow the same rules as wide and standard bicep curls, but stop the curl at 90°.
Focus on keeping your forearms parallel with your body.

Bottom curls
Now, focus on the lower half of the bicep curl range of motion and stop at 90°.

Hammer curls
For hammer curls with dumbbells, hold the weight so your thumbs face up with knuckles facing out. Follow the same rules as all bicep curls, keeping your core tight, elbows stationary, and posture straight.

Preacher curls
You can do this with your back knee up (as shown) to engage your lower body. Or if it’s more comfortable you can rest your back knee on the ground. Lean forward and rest your chest on your thigh while curling.

Tricep Dumbbell Exercises
Tricep extension
Also known as skull crushers. Lay down, grab two dumbbells, and keep your thumbs facing down. You should not go past a 90° bend in your elbows and stop if you feel pain. This one is tough. Focus on squeezing your elbows together to keep them shoulder-distance apart.
To isolate your tricep muscles and protect your joints, don’t let your elbows flair out.

Single tricep extension
This is one of our favorite tricep dumbbell exercises. Hold a dumbbell in one hand with your arm extended. Place your other hand on the bicep of the extended arm for support. Then, slowly lower the dumbbell toward the opposite shoulder.
Stop at a 90° bend (or beyond if it’s comfortable) and then lift the weight back up. Repeat on the other side.

Tricep kickbacks
For dumbbell tricep kickbacks, keep your elbows stationary to isolate the triceps. The only thing moving is your forearms. Make sure you keep your arms close to your body. Maintain a long spine, and don’t round your back.

Tricep press
This is an amazing dumbbell exercise and you’ll want to use heavy dumbbells. With dumbbells in hand, lay down on your back from a seated position so that the weight is supported by your elbows. Then, press both weights up.
Target full arm extension for each press.

Tricep push-ups
This isn’t really a dumbbell exercise but it’s so effective and challenging that we had to include it. To protect your wrists, you can use the dumbbells as push-up stands (as shown). This is a very challenging move even with just body weight.
Keep your elbows close and hug your torso with your arms. Don’t go past a 90° bend in your elbow.

Chest Dumbbell Exercises
Chest press
For this dumbbell chest exercise, you’ll want to grab heavy weights. Lay down with your elbows out wide so that the dumbbells are in line with your chest. Slowly press the weights up and lower them down. Hover your elbows above the ground between reps.

Decline chest press
Follow the same instructions as chest press but lift your hips off the ground into bridge pose.

Chest flys
Chest flys are difficult. You don’t need heavy weights for this one and we promise that you’ll still feel them tomorrow!
While laying down, engage your core and make sure your lower back in on the ground rather than arched. With arms overhead, palms facing each other, and a dumbbell in each hand, slowly lower the weights to the sides.
Keep a slight bend in your elbow and lift the weight back up right before they touch the ground.

Rotating chest press
Follow the same instructions as chest press, but rotate the weights so that your palms are facing each other at the top of the rep. Be careful to move slowly and controlled so that the weights don’t smack into each other.

Wide push-ups
Again, this isn’t really a dumbbell exercise but it’s important. To protect your wrists, you can use the dumbbells as push-up stands (as shown). You don’t need to go past a 90° bend in your elbow, however, if it’s comfortable try to touch your chest to the ground.

Back Dumbbell Exercises
Dumbbell exercises are highly effective for strengthening your back.
Included in the printable 12-Week Dumbbell Workout Plan PDF are lat pull-overs, bent-over rows, wide rows, bent-over flys, and bent-over wide rows.
Lat pulls
Lay down on the ground with one heavy dumbbell in your hands and your arms extended over your head. During this dumbbell back exercise, you must keep your core flexed to prevent your back from arching.
Slowly lower the dumbbell toward the ground keeping your arms straight. Right before the dumbbell touches the ground, pause and lift slowly to complete one rep.

Bent-over rows
Bent-over rows are an incredibly important back exercise with dumbbells, which is why it’s incorporated into the 12-Week Dumbbell Workout Plan almost daily.
During resistance band bent-over rows, focus on keeping your spine long instead of rounding your back. Keep arms close to your body, and your shoulder blades squeezed together.
For added difficulty, pause for one second at the top of each rep.

Reverse flys
During reverse flys with dumbbells, keep your core flexed, spine long, and shoulder blades squeezed. You can bend your elbows slightly but do not lift your arms above your shoulders.

Bent-over wide rows
Start in the same position as bent-over rows but with two lighter dumbbells in your hands. Turn your palms so they are facing backward and then slowly lift your elbows to the sky (into goalpost arms). Keep the weights in line with your elbows and squeeze your shoulder blades together at the top of the rep.

Shoulder Dumbbell Exercises
Your shoulders are going to be on fire with these dumbbell shoulder exercises. There are many variations in the dumbbell workout plan that strengthen all of the shoulder muscles.
The exercises include overhead press, front raise, wide raise, side raise, upright row, swimmers, monkey pumps, and straight arm kickbacks.
Overhead presses
You do not need to bend your arms past 90° because that puts stress on the shoulders. Also, don’t lock your elbows at the top of the rep. Keep your core flexed to prevent arching your back.

Front raises
Go slow and maintain control. You only need light weights for this exercise. Don’t lift your arms above shoulder height. Only your arms should be moving. Focus on not thrusting your hips forward.

Wide raises
Follow the same instructions as with the front raise but lift your arms at a 45° angle. Don’t go above shoulder height.

Side raises
Follow the same instructions as the front and wide raise. Don’t go above your shoulders, and try not to thrust forward. Focus on driving your elbows up.

Straight arm kickbacks
Keep your knees bent and lean forward slightly. Engage your core, keep your arms straight, and use your rear deltoids to lift your arms. Keep your pinky finger towards the sky.

Upright rows
Raise your elbows up to shoulder height, not past. Keep your wrists close to your torso and below your elbows. Pause at the top to maximize the contraction. Keep your core flexed, and your shoulder blades squeezed.

Monkey pumps
These are really hard. You will want very light resistance. Start with cans of soup if needed. Don’t do this exercise if you experience pain.

This is also a highly advanced move, which is why it is not incorporated into the 12-Week Dumbbell Workout Routine until week four.
You will want very light weights. Never raise your arms above shoulder height. Don’t do this exercise if you experience pain.

Closing THoughts on The Dumbbell Workout Plan
Remember, there is no finish line. Once you check the dumbbell workout off your list, set a new goal.
Do you have any questions or feedback? Feel free to ask in the comments. Or, if you have tips on surviving the 12-Week Dumbbell Workout Plan, please share in the comments and we look forward to the discussion.
Cheers to your transformation! For more helpful resources, such as our Bodyweight Workout Plan or the Resistance Bands Workout Routine, head over to our Work Out At Home page.

Download The 12-Week Dumbbell Workout Plan PDF
Download and instantly access the 12-week dumbbell workout plan for beginners, resistance tracker sheet, and pictures.
- A 12-week calendar with built-in variety and periodization
- Videos of 49 full-body dumbbell exercises
- Professional instruction to ensure proper form
- We're an email away for support

Hey we're Ryan and Alex
A husband-wife duo, two engineers, and the creators of Ryan and Alex Duo Life.
After eight years working in the corporate world as engineers, we left to tackle our true passion:
Helping highly motivated couples optimize their relationship and health by cutting through the muck and sharing what the research says works.

Optimize Your Life, One Friday at a Time
Each Friday receive evidence-based tips to elevate your health and relationship.
The PDF I received for download only has 8 weeks on it. Is there another page somewhere?
Hi Tatiana! Yes, that was a mistake and since been updated, I’ll make sure to send that to you now. Thank you!
I am completing the 12 weeks. What do you suggest as next plan? Repeat this or something new?
Hey April! I recommend repeating the program in its entirety or at least the final 6 weeks. As long as you feel the workouts are still challenging you (if they’re not you might need heavier weights). After that, feel free to reach out and we can make a plan. Happy New Year!
Thank you so much for this! Just started the dumbell 12 week plan today. Love the GIFs easy to follow. I took my measurements also.
I love your PDFs
1 recommendation, could you add a quick menu that one could select “Shoulders” “Core” and it jumps to that section of exercises?
Thank you and have a wonderful day!
Hey! You’re welcome. I hope the program is going well. Good job taking measurements. I will look into adding those menus (great idea!), but we’re coming out with a revision to the program soon! It will be much more user-friendly. If you want to see a sneak peek, check out the updates to the 12-Week Resistance Band Training Program that we’re sharing in tomorrow’s newsletter.
Hey Ryan, just discovered this 12-week plan, can’t wait to sart! I just want to confirm there is only 1 set per exercise, 12 reps or AMRAP?
At first, I looked at the exercises for wk 1, d1 and thought, ‘there’s no way I can complete this’ let alone advance from there.
Please confirm its only min 12 reps/1 set?
Thanks for setting this up, Ive spent many hours trying to learn how to set up a push/pull workout program, its SO much easier when the program is already setup, and in such an easy format to follow along! Cheers, Jocelin
Hey Jocelin! I hope you’re enjoying the workouts. That’s right, one set per exercise. Although you can add more if you’d like. If you do, complete the full routine and then repeat it. Let us know if you have any other questions and feel free to circle back and share your results!
Hey there…just finished week one of your program..great resource. I have been doing free weights for a few months prior to this. My question is this. Instead of just one set I have been doing three sets of 12 to 15 reps. Is this ok or I’m I setting myself up for failure as the program progresses?
Hey! Great question and well done. It sounds like you had a nice head start after a few months of doing free weights. Three sets is doable and I don’t think you’re setting yourself up for failure. Keep up the great work!
In the exercise descriptions the chest flys are said to be difficult exercises not to be introduced until the fourth week but they appear in the first week of the program, do is it an error in the program or the exercise description.
Hi Eurah! Thanks for pointing this out — you’re the first one to do so! The PDF calendar is the accurate one, after we had discussed, and we will update that in the content. Thank you! We hope that you’re enjoying the workout so far!
This 12-week dumbbell workout plan looks incredible! The GIFs for each exercise make it so easy to follow along. I can’t wait to start this routine and track my progress. Thanks for sharing such a comprehensive resource!
Thanks so much, we wish you luck!