UPRIGHT GO 2 Reviews and advertisements for the posture corrector have been popping up everywhere on our feeds lately.
We were intrigued, so started looking for data on how a little white box could help our posture after 30+ years of slouching.
However, most UPRIGHT GO 2 reviews are people’s thoughts, testimonials, and opinions on how well they believe the product works.
Even after seeing so many rave reviews about the wearable posture corrector, I though people we getting too excited about a cool, innovative idea.
Does the UPRIGHT GO 2 trainer really work? More importantly, does it “train” my body and truly create lasting posture change? Or, will I slump over right when I take it off?
Since we couldn’t find real data, as engineers ourselves, Alex and I decided to run an experiment to answer these questions.
This UPRIGHT GO 2 review summarizes our results and answers these questions conclusively.

upright go 2 review
If I had to sum up my initial reaction to the UPRIGHT GO posture correctors in two words, they would be: freaking skeptical.
I was introduced through video ads on social media back in 2016 and I was certain they were a high-cost, low-return gimmick.
As full-time digital nomads slumped over desks every day, we’ve had constant struggles to maintain good posture while working at our laptops.
While researching posture improvement and the detrimental effects of poor posture, I came across a number that freaked me out.
The average head weighs 10 pounds — a heavy weight on top of your neck. But, with forward head posture, the weight on your spine increases by 10 pounds for every inch the head moves forward.
So, I asked Alex to measure this distance as I stood in my typical texting position. While looking down at my phone texting, my head was 5.5 inches from neutral posture.
That means the weight of my head on my spine was 65 pounds! In neutral spine, my head was 2 inches forward, so *just* 20 pounds of added pressure on my spine.
This extreme stress can have significant degenerative effects on my neck and lower back. It’s no wonder why 80% of the population in western countries have back problems.
Now I was really motivated and immediately started doing daily exercises and stretches to improve forward posture. But was 5-10 minutes of specific exercise going to make an impact when we work for 8 hours a day, slouched for much of the time?

I remembered the ads for the UPRIGHT GO 2 posture trainer. I looked them up and saw they had won “Tech of the Year” awards, were now sold in Apple stores, and had tens of thousands of 5-star reviews.
Their motto: “Improving posture using wearable technology.”
I was still skeptical, but ordered two for me and Alex to try out.
So, here we are in 2020, testing out their second version, and writing an UPRIGHT GO 2 review. Since we’re engineers, we’ll stick to the cold, hard data to truly answer the question if these devices are worth the money.
Disclosure: This review is not sponsored by UPRIGHT. While our posture correctors and necklaces were provided to us for free (in exchange for an Instagram post and content for their blog), this article falls outside of that sponsorship. These conclusions and data are our own. Links in this article are Amazon affiliate links, earning us a small commission if you decide to click them and make a purchase.
Our UPRIGHT GO 2 Experiment
The goal of this experiment is to quantify how effectively this wearable technology improves posture. Here is what UPRIGHT claims:
“Most of our users notice significant improvements within just 2 weeks of using the UPRIGHT GO 2.”
In UPRIGHT GO 2 reviews, many users report improvements even within the first day. In our experiment, we’ll do our best to measure those improvements.
Our Hypothesis
Poor posture is the result of back and posterior shoulder muscles lengthening and becoming weaker, while chest and anterior shoulder muscles shorten and become tighter.
We expect the UPRIGHT GO 2 posture corrector to help us maintain proper posture while in use, but we’re unsure if it will effectively improve our posture when we’re not wearing the device.
We hypothesize that, if the UPRIGHT GO 2 posture “trainer” is effective, the following improvements should be measurable:
- Chest and shoulder flexibility should naturally improve
- Back muscles should become stronger
- Head should move closer to neutral position
- Shoulders should move back while rotating outward
Experimental Procedure
Both Alex and I tested our hypotheses using UPRIGHT GO 2 daily for two weeks.
On Day 1, we started with two hours of “uptime,” and increased by 30 minutes daily. Uptime, a metric recorded by the UPRIGHT app, is the time that you’re sitting, walking, or standing upright while wearing the device.
The below graph shows our daily uptime goal for the 2-week experiment. While UPRIGHT provides new users with an introductory program, we designed our own to be a bit more intensive.

Outside of what the UPRIGHT device measures, we took before and after measurements for flexibility, strength, and head/shoulder position so that we could quantify how well it works.
Additionally, to isolate the benefits of wearing our posture correctors, we paused upper body workouts for two weeks before and two weeks during the experiment.
The timing for this UPRIGHT GO 2 review experiment worked out well since we were training our lower body for backpacking on the Appalachian Trail. We also paused our daily exercises and stretches to improve posture, which we summarize in the below article.
UPRIGHT GO 2 Before and After Results
Both Alex and I were total skeptics before this experiment.
Even towards the end of the experiment, we were doubtful that they were creating lasting posture improvement. And frankly, by the end, we were tired of wearing the UPRIGHT GO 2 posture correctors during all of our daily activities.
We learned that they were useful while we were sitting or standing at our desks working. However, despite our smiles in the pictures below, the posture correcting devices were annoying while doing activities like cleaning, cooking, eating lobster rolls, and drinking frozen rosé (aka frosé).

Additionally, we were a bit frustrated that the device had some glitches and connection issues. But, since first writing this, many of the glitches have been corrected with app updates.
We’ll share more general user feedback later in our UPRIGHT GO 2 review.
Fortunately, we measured our before and after results in a highly controlled way to collect data, not opinions. Otherwise, we would have shared our experience with the UPRIGHT GO as… “meh.”
So, let’s dive into the results and data!
Before and After Photos
Photos speak a thousand words, so in addition to taking before and after measurements, we took photos. We were hoping that photos would also help us see the difference in our posture before and after our UPRIGHT GO 2 experiment.
When Alex was putting the photos side by side, she said, “Dang, these look so good people are going to think they are staged. When I took the seated photo I was trying to be natural but I felt like I was slouching too.”
We did not stage these photos for our UPRIGHT GO 2 review, and we assure you that we did our best to take these pictures with our natural posture.
Before photos were taken on Day 1 of the study, before wearing the posture corrector. After photos were taken on Day 15, the morning after completing the experiment.
Natural sitting posture
Natural standing posture
The before and after photos show improvements in our natural sitting and standing posture. Our shoulders are pulled back significantly and forward head posture is noticeably lessened.
Our Experimental Results
As engineers, we always say, “What gets measured gets improved.” For all of our fitness clients, we require taking body measurements to track their progress.
That’s because if you’re following a new workout program and simply looking in the mirror or standing on the scale you’ll miss the most important results.
We figured that the same was true with measuring a posture improvement. Now we can confidently provide you a data-driven UPRIGHT GO 2 review. By taking careful before and after measurements, our results are conclusive.
These are the five key results we took away from our posture corrector experiment, with a summarizing graph below.
1. Chest flexibility increased significantly
These before and after measurements were shocking. Both Ryan and Alex significantly increased the flexibility of their chest muscles. Ryan’s chest flexibility increased by 47% and Alex’s increased by 40%.
Again, to isolate the influence of the UPRIGHT GO 2 posture corrector, upper body strength training was put on hold for the two weeks before and two weeks during this experiment.
Therefore, we are confident that our improved posture during the experiment was responsible for lengthening our tight chest muscles.
How it was measured:
As demonstrated below, we used the “wall corner” test to evaluate chest flexibility. We measured the distance between the tip of the nose and the corner of the wall. Our feet and hand placement were marked to ensure consistency.

2. Shoulder flexibility improved
There was also a measurable improvement in shoulder flexibility. The improvement was consistent for both Ryan and Alex, who experienced a 22% and 20% improvement respectively.
How it was measured:
We used the “arms behind back” stretch to test shoulder flexibility. The improvement was recorded by measuring the distance between the tip of the thumb and the middle of our waistband.

3. Back muscles were strengthened
We were highly impressed with the results of this test, but less surprised than we were by the significant increase in chest flexibility. We expected an increase in back strength because we both experienced muscle soreness and fatigue during the first two days.
The UPRIGHT GO 2 posture trainer improved the strength of Ryan’s back muscles by 43% and of Alex’s back muscles by 42%.
How it was measured:
This before and after result was measured doing bent-over row with resistance bands. For consistency, foot placement (distance from exercise tube center mark) and resistance level (band color) was controlled, while we measured the number of reps to muscle failure.

4. Forward head posture drastically improved
Ryan’s forward head posture improved by 44% and Alex’s improved by 67%. Those are significant improvements for both of us.
How it was measured:
Before and after, we each stood against a wall with our heels, butt, and upper back against the wall. The distance between the back of our head and the wall was measured and recorded.
5. Forward shoulder or “slumped” posture lessened
According to the thumb test, before the experiment, Ryan’s forward shoulders were far worse than Alex’s. After two weeks with the UPRIGHT GO 2, Ryan’s forward shoulder posture improved by 60% (50 degrees before to 80 degrees after), and Alex’s improved by 13%.
How it was measured:
The best way to test for forward shoulder is to stand in a relaxed position with your hands at your side. Then, stick your thumbs out. If your posture is perfect, they point forward at a 90-degree angle with your body.
If you have forward posture (shoulders slump forward and rotate inward), your thumbs point inward to some degree.

Experimental Results from UPRIGHT App
The UPRIGHT GO app measures your “uptime” and “upright %.”
Uptime is the amount of time you are upright while wearing the device. The time you are slouched is not included.
Then, it uses your uptime and your slouched time to calculate your upright %. As shown in the graphs below, both Alex and I show an upward curve in our upright %, which does show progress.
But, to us, this data was not helpful or encouraging after the first 3 days.
As you can see below, toward the end of the experiment, our upright % trended downward. This was because, as we increased the hours of usage daily, we had to wear them during more and more non-work activities.
For experimental purposes, this data is unreliable unless we did the exact same activities each day. On days when we worked 8 hours, our percent upright numbers were great.
But, on days when we had more shopping, cooking, or cleaning, our upright % numbers suffered because these activities require you to bend over more frequently.
We didn’t find the data very helpful, because even in you maintain perfect posture while bending over, you still get punished. We’ll talk about this in more detail in the next section, our takeaways.
Does The UPRIGHT GO 2 Work?
We’re surprised too, but the data has spoken. We have answered the common question: “Does the UPRIGHT trainer actually work?”
Yes. It corrects posture during use with vibrations that remind you to sit or stand up straight. What’s more important, is that the UPRIGHT GO 2 posture trainer literally trains your body to hold upright posture even when you’re not wearing the device!
Poor posture is a result of the lengthening and weakening of muscles on your backside, and the shortening and tightening of muscles on your front side.
Based on a short but intensive two-week experiment, our results show that the UPRIGHT GO 2 reverses this rather quickly. On average, chest flexibility improved by 44% and back strength increased by 43%.
For correcting posture, it absolutely works. But, the UPRIGHT GO 2 doesn’t function perfectly. In the next section of our review, we’ll share our takeaways and recommendations for use.
Experimental Data
Below is the table used to collect consistent before and after measurements.
UPRIGHT GO 2 Experiment Takeaways
Our First Impressions
Now that we have taken a deep dive into the data on the effectiveness of the UPRIGHT GO 2 posture trainer, we’ll share our opinions on the product.
Trust me, after wearing them daily for two weeks (some days over nine hours), Alex and I have learned a lot about the UPRIGHT GO 2.
Below is the UPRIGHT GO 2 package and necklace that we used during the experiment.

It’s innovative but basic
The UPRIGHT GO 2 technology was far more basic than I expected.
It doesn’t have multiples sensors shooting up to measure the degree of forward head or sensors on the side detecting slumped shoulder blades.
Instead, it only measures how far you are from an upright, 90-degree angle. Once the sensor moves too far forward, you get buzzed. While the idea is super innovative, the technology is still quite basic.
However, even though it’s not super high-tech, it effectively nudges you to stay upright, and it does bring lasting posture change. The UPRIGHT company does very well and will only continue to innovate and improve its technology.

Ryan prefers the necklace, Alex doesn’t
I was glad that we decided to try both the necklace and adhesive. As a former adhesives engineer, I know how hit or miss glue can be when in contact with skin.
Also, it just seemed easy to put the necklace on each day when we sat down to work.
Alex, on the other hand, preferred the adhesive because she didn’t have to worry about wearing the bulky necklace and feeling like she had to re-calibrate every time it got bumped.
Plus, she liked that you’d forget you were wearing the UPRIGHT trainer with the adhesive, creating a more natural experiment.
Now that we’ve done the work to test the UPRIGHT GO 2 and write this review, we’ll use the necklace going forward. It was easy to put on and take off when we needed too.
At first, we were worried about the accuracy of the necklace because the UPRIGHT device could move around more easily.
But, we quickly realized that this doesn’t matter because the measurements aren’t that precise. Plus, we learned that when it moves, you can always recalibrate.
You can buy the necklace and adhesive refills individually.

You need to calibrate often
To recalibrate, you stand or sit with perfectly upright posture, and tell the device to remember that position. If you move too far forward from that position, you’ll get buzzed.
We quickly learned that it’s best to recalibrate every time you change your position for any significant amount of time.
If you sit down at your desk, recalibrate. When you stand up to move around the kitchen and prepare breakfast, recalibrate. Or, when you get out of the car to go shopping.

We were sore
Towards the end of Day 1 and Day 2, both Alex and I had sore, aching backs. Once we hit our upright time goal, we both felt like slumping over on the couch and relaxing.
This was a combination of muscle soreness (our usually relaxed back muscles now had to hold our shoulder blades together) and aching in our upper back (our spine was getting stressed in a good way).
The first couple of days felt like work.
UPRIGHT is perfect for desk work
While we were sitting at our computers working, we had a harmonious relationship with our UPRIGHT GO 2 posture trackers. They held us accountable for sitting up straight and keeping our shoulders pulled back.
When we slipped, we got zapped for being hunched too far forward and quickly corrected. Wearing the device while you work is by far the ideal use for the UPRIGHT GO 2. This was our main takeaway from the UPRIGHT GO 2 review.
The UPRIGHT doesn’t fully account for nerd neck. For example, reclining in a chair makes the device think you have perfect posture, yet it’s still very possible to have nerd neck.
Still, from the photos we shared, we know that the UPRIGHT GO 2 posture trainer does help with forward head posture, little by little.
It’s super annoying for everything else
Conversely, if you’re wearing the UPRIGHT device while doing anything other than sitting or standing in place working, it’s annoying and less helpful.
For example, if you’re cooking or doing the dishes, you have to bend over the countertop or sink. If you’re eating, you have to bend over to eat over your plate. Have you ever tried sitting on the toilet in a perfect upright pose? It’s not natural.
The reason it’s annoying and less helpful in these situations is that even if you have perfect posture while you bend forward you still get zapped because it only detects that you’re no longer standing straight up.
If you have long commutes, it is good for posture reminders while driving. Just know that you might get zapped when driving up or down a hill.
I got buzzed in the car several times when I knew my posture was perfect because going down a hill took me out of my calibrated upright position.
One solution to this issue is by prolonging the time delay before you get zapped. The choices are 5, 15, 30, and 60 seconds.
It’s a bit glitchy
As to be expected with any electronic device that has to pairs via Bluetooth with a phone, there were some minor glitches.
A couple of times the app froze and we had to restart the app and recalibrate before it started tracking our posture again. It bothered us, but only because we were trying to run a controlled experiment.
UPRIGHT GO 2 Review: Lasting Impressions
We’ll only use them for work
Our posture is most problematic while working and the UPRIGHT GO 2 is great for that. That makes our decision easy. Now that we’re done with our experiment and UPRIGHT GO review we’ll only use them while working at our desks.
It’s nice to know that by only doing that we are training our body to maintain upright posture even when we’re out grocery shopping, hiking, or on a jog.
We like both the necklace and adhesive
We’re glad we got the necklaces. They are easy to take on and off. I preferred the necklace. While the adhesive was nice, it didn’t stick to my skin for more than 5 hours.
Also, once I went outside, it would fall off quickly even if I wasn’t sweating. I was concerned that I could easily lose it if it fell off without me noticing.
Alex preferred the adhesive. It stuck better to her skin, both inside and outside, and she liked that it was less noticeable. You would forget that it was there.
Our recommendation is to start with the adhesive since it comes with the UPRIGHT GO 2 for free. If you find that they don’t stick well or you get sick of repurchasing the adhesive strips, buy the necklace.
Is The UPRIGHT GO 2 Worth It?
As mentioned previously, we were major skeptics about whether or not the UPRIGHT GO 2 was worth it. We felt this way before using them, and even during our experiment. But, the data was conclusive, and the answer is a resounding “YES.”
A $100 posture correcting device that offers immediate feedback on posture during use and lasting posture improvement?
Our UPRIGHT GO 2 review conclusion: It’s a no-brainer. How much does a chiropractor appointment cost? How much does lower back pain impact the quality of your sleep and life?
In short, good posture is critically important to your health, confidence, and quality of life. It’s so important that you should do everything you can to optimize your workplace ergonomics, sleeping position, driving posture, and stretching/fitness routine.
We have done all of that, and we write about our experience on fixing forward posture in the below article. Of all the things we’ve done, this little device has provided the greatest return.
Common UPRIGHT GO 2 Questions
UPRIGHT GO 2 is a posture trainer that gives you gentle vibration reminders to instantly correct your posture. It’s a small, one size fits all device that is placed on the base of your neck or upper back.
The device syncs with an app that tracks how much time you spend hunched over versus in upright posture. This wearable device was designed to improve posture.
Click here to watch a video on the science behind the invention.
How does the UPRIGHT GO 2 work?
It’s quite simple. Once you attach the device to your body with the adhesive or place it on your upper back with the necklace, open the UPRIGHT app. As long as the device is charged (USB charger included) and powered on, the app will sync with your UPRIGHT GO 2.
From there, click the button to calibrate your posture and determine how long you want the device to wait before zapping you (5, 15, 30, or 60 seconds).
How do you calibrate your posture?
On the Home screen of the app, a “Calibrate” button can be clicked to calibrate your posture as often as you’d like. Get into your perfect posture position and click “Start.” It only takes about five seconds!
How does the UPRIGHT GO 2 stick?
It sticks well. If you want to get the most out of each adhesive strip, use the alcohol wipes to clean your skin. If you decide to keep using the adhesive strips, you can buy replacement adhesive packs.
The necklace is another good option if you want to wear the device without using the adhesive.
Where do you place the UPRIGHT GO 2?
The device is placed on the base of your neck or your upper back. It should be centered between your shoulder blades and on top of your vertebrae.
You don’t have to worry about placing it perfectly, or in the same place every time. As long as you calibrate it you are tracking accurate posture data.
Also, as discovered by my incredible wife, you can stick it to your forehead if you want to avoid tech neck.

Is the UPRIGHT GO 2 better than a posture correcting brace?
Yes. 100% yes, the UPRIGHT GO 2 is better than a posture correcting brace (the things you see that look like the back of a sports bra). There is no comparison.
What is so unique about this wearable technology is that it simply reminds you to maintain good posture. Your body and your muscles do all the work. Therefore, the UPRIGHT GO 2 effectively corrects posture and strengthens your body for the longterm.
Think about it. If you’re wearing a posture correcting brace, the brace is doing all the work. You back muscles don’t even need to engage because the brace is pulling back your shoulders for you.
While a brace is good for decreasing tightness in your chest, it will not train your body to hold proper posture on its own. Plus, who the heck wants to wear a brace?
That is not a sustainable habit. Putting on this little device, with the adhesive or necklace is.
What is the best posture trainer?
In our opinion, there is only one choice on the market right now. It’s the UPRIGHT GO 2, the inventors of the wearable.
I am sure competition for these devices will increase as companies figure out ways to work around the patented technology.
Right now, UPRIGHT GO 2 is by far the best option. Even if there was a competitor, it’s unlikely that their app and support is as user-friendly and comprehensive like UPRIGHT.
I have questions. What do I do?
Please leave specific questions in the comments below, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible and update this article accordingly.
Have you tried UPRIGHT GO? Do you plan to? We look forward to the discussion!
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Hey we're Ryan and Alex
A husband-wife duo, two engineers, and the creators of Ryan and Alex Duo Life.
After eight years working in the corporate world as engineers, we left to tackle our true passion:
Helping highly motivated couples optimize their relationship and health by cutting through the muck and sharing what the research says works.

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I love, love, love this article. I have noticed a huge difference in my sleep data from Garmin after Chiro visits and want to improve my posture to see if I can improve sleep between visits. This article gave me exactly the information I needed in the way I wanted to see it to help me make a “Do I want to try this?” decision. I ordered immediately after reading your article. I love that you included all of the things you did that were different than their instructions… Yes, logically that is absolutely what the instructions for a device like this should be. I can’t wait to play with my new toy and see what my data is! Good job!
Hi Amanda!
Thanks so much for the detailed comment, and we’re thrilled that our article was able to share some new insight with you. We found the Upright Go to be incredibly helpful. Even when we don’t wear it, it’s on our minds and we sit up straighter! 🙂
Once yours arrives, we would love to hear what you think. Definitely take some “before” photos or measurements, because the changes feel subtle but make a big difference.
Thanks, Amanda!
With this article and some help from their support desk, I actually was able to make it work. I have C1-C6 issues, and those impact REM sleep. With the sticker and the necklace together, up at my hairline /base of skull, most restrictive setting, most frequent vibration, on at all times, re-calibrate every time I sit, stand, or lie down… I was able to get better REM sleep in between chiro visits in the first 2 weeks. Of course I then lost it somewhere in the house. As soon as I find it I will stick a tracker on it, take before and afters… I can’t believe how much clearer your article makes everything about it. Their instructions are terrible. I gave them a good Amazon review anyway and put a link to this article in it. Hopefully others will find your article helpful.
Hey Amanda! I am so glad to hear you are getting better REM sleep between chiro visits. And props to you for figuring out the optimal settings and location to make it work for you.
Like you, I always prefer to use the most frequent vibration and I recalibrate often. Lately, I have been recalibrating with more than perfect posture (beyond upright) so that I get buzzed well before slouched position.
I hope you find your Upright Go 2! Thanks for linking to our article and feel free to share your before and afters with us as well.
Your article + this device have made such a phenomenal difference for me, I just posted this to my co-working group! Also probably buying a second one soon so I can wear it continuously! One thought since you guys are engineers… You should make a 3D print of a brace for it so it can be attached to a sweatband or a barette to get it way higher on the head and catch turkey neck looking at your phone, but also small tips forward while working on circuitry, small fine work, etc. Post your link here! Sell it on Etsy!
Wow! FIrst time on your blog and… I’m super impressed!! You and your partner are such a great team (goals). Thank you for such a throurough, science-backed review.
I have terrible posture, (I get tingles in my neck if I sit up straight for too long, because I’m so out of practice), and seeing pictures of my rounded shoulders and posture is always upsetting.
Purchased both the necklace and additional adhesive strips, because knowing myself, it might fall off. Knowing this, my posture concerns, and then reading your review; I think the $120 is worth it! Will definitely just wear it at work as a teacher.
Thanks again! I look forward to my more upright, less painful posture in a few weeks!
Hey Ellen, thanks for the compliment. We left our jobs as engineers but the engineers in us remain. We’re glad the review helped you!
I get tingles in my upper back when I sit up straight too long so I know how you feel. Sometimes ‘too long’ is 3 hours, and other days it’s only 30 minutes.
The UPRIGHT GO 2 will definitely help you. Make sure that you gradually ease into a more upright posture. After all, those tingles are a sign of stress so overdoing it is counterproductive.
For example, when I feel the tingling sensation after 30 minutes of use, I’ll only wear my UPRIGHT GO 2 for another 10 minutes or so before returning to a more comfortable posture.
Agreed. It’s $120 well spent. Our posture is so important. Since writing this post we’ve continued to wear our posture trainers while doing laptop work. They are seriously invaluable. And UPRIGHT continues to improve the app and functionality so the wearable is getting smarter and more user-friendly.
Your students are going to be jealous! We’re excited for you and feel free to circle back in a few weeks and let us know how you feel.
Hi there. First time visitor.
I skimmed the article and this Upright looks pretty darn good. Thinking about getting it.
Have both of you continued to use these? How often / how long? And, if not, why not.
Hey there! Yeah, the Upright Go 2 is pretty sweet. We have both continued to use them when we are sitting at a desk working. We don’t use it as frequently as we should, however, even logging 2 days per week for a total of 3-5 hours (this is my best estimate for how often / how long we wear them) makes a big difference. A few readers have reached out to let us know that the UPRIGHT GO 2 solved their back pain. What’s more, is since back and neck pain have a negative impact on sleep quality, you should find yourself waking up and feeling more rested. I hope that helps!
Hi, I use my Upright Go, your article was one of the reason why I decided to buy it in the first place! I have also tried sticking it to my forhead to avoid nerd neck, but I do not know how to properly calibrate it then! Any tips?
Hi Paola!
Thanks for writing and we’re glad you found our article helpful. Even more, we love that you’re experimenting with your Upright Go on how to better avoid nerd neck!
That’s a bit tricky, since it’s used to being calibrated behind the neck. The only thing I can think of it is to craft some sort of hat or see if it calibrates better on the backside of your head, instead of your forehead… In the time that it’s taken us to respond, have you figured out a good solution?
Three weeks experience to date. It has an excellent effect when I’m standing or sitting. It also taught me (duh !) a very simple way to correct slouching when sitting in front of the computer: raise the screen (by 18 centimetres in my case) by putting a wooden box underneath (used wood offcuts, total cost of glue $0.30).
As you say, its buzzing simply annoys when doing standing tasks like meal preparation. It is also counterproductive because buzzing under these circumstances trains one to ignore the buzzing. I simply switch it off for the duration of these tasks.
It also buzzes frequently and insistingly when I am walking upright along a level surface. It seems that the gyroscope or accelerometer (or whatever it uses) is interpreting this translational movement as slouching.
My necklace with its USB-C plug won’t plug in to the device.
Congrats on your posture improvement. Your computer screen stand was an excellent use of 30 cents and it shows that you’re motivated to make lasting change. Props!
After several years of use, I still agree that it’s best to shut it down during standing chores around the house. It’s not perfect yet for moving activities but the company continues to update the software. That’s too bad your necklace doesn’t plug in. I would reach out to UPRIGHT and see if they can send you a replacement. Keep up the good work!